Monday, November 24, 2008

Marmalade Musings

A friend of mine just made 68 quarts of orange marmalade, and I'm not asking any questions because I was the lucky beneficiary of some of it. Have I told you how much I love marmalade? Let me count the ways:

1. I love the vibrant color of it, especially on these cold, dreary days.
2. I love its sweet-bitter taste on crusty toast. It's also quite good in cake.
3. I love to say the word "marmalade"; it's even better than "pamplemousse."
4. I love that it keeps practically forever.
5. I love that no one else in my family can stand it, so I get to eat all of it.

1 comment:

JLY said...

I love it as much as you even though I've never mused of it in such an eloquent fashion...and you are so fortunate to have such a friend...if you decide to leave a spoonful given that no one else at your house likes it, you know who you can share it with!