Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Our dinner club met at RouxBarb Saturday evening for a great meal, and lots of catching up, teasing, shouting across the table, laughter, and discussion. Many in the group are former and current Oak Ridgers; the 500Jerk Spouse actually has known one of the guys since kindergarten. It's a great group.

A recurring theme in the conversation Saturday was the 500Jerk Spouse and Big Genie's recent purchase of 57 pounds of pork belly, to be smoked at Benton's in Madisonville. I'm not exactly sure what two families can do with that much bacon. That's a whole lot of bacon.

Although there are many good things about a dinner club (food, wine, revelry), the best thing is that we all make time to get together on a quarterly basis, which given everyone's crazy schedules, might otherwise not occur.

It's pretty cool.

1 comment:

big genie said...

Bruce's philosophy sums it up, “Bacon and bourbon.”