Friday, November 18, 2011

Breaking Dawn

A vampire marriage, an ongoing blood feud with Italian bloodsuckers, jealous werewolves, love, lust, a violent birth of a half-vampire, oh yeah, the Twilight melodrama continues with the release of Breaking Dawn today. 

My friend, A., Fandango'd the tickets two days ago, so you know where I'll be tonight: front and center at the Regal downtown cinema.  And though it's goofy and sophomoric, I have just one word to say about it all: 



Rachel_K said...

OK, I have been reading you since I clicket-y clicked over from Mamapundit nearly 2 years ago....And haven't commented....BUT this....GAH! I missed the premier last night due to work commitments so I am going tonight! SQUEE!!!

500Jerk said...

I hope you enjoy it! A little escapism is good from time to time!

Usemeplz said...

I was on premier, for those who didn't watch it yet I'll say shortly: it is incredible!!!! Go and watch it!!